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6 Specialty Food Purveyors Redefining Culinary Excellence | Eat + Drink

6 Specialty Food Purveyors Redefining Culinary Excellence | Eat + Drink

Alaska Seafood

This article originally appeared in our sister publication, Northwest Travel & Life.

Whether for your own use or as a tasty gift for someone special, specialty food deliveries will liven up any kitchen. We found these Northwest-based companies that do exactly that. Order as a one-time delivery or as an ongoing subscription, and help support these Northwest food producers and purveyors.

This is a collection of more than 40 providers of wild Alaska seafood where you can buy direct from the fisheries and have it shipped to you. Purchase seafood including wild salmon, cod, halibut, and more. If it swims in Alaska waters, Alaska Seafood has it.

When you can’t travel to Alaska, you can have the flavors of Alaska in your home. Order a curated box of Alaska foods, or customize your own from Alaska products, such as smoked salmon, fireweed honey, spruce tip jelly, salmonberry jam, kelp pickles, reindeer sausage, and much more.

When you don’t have time to go foraging for wild foods, buy from those who do. Portland-based West Coast Wild Foods offers fresh, dried, frozen, and preserved foraged, wild foods. Offerings include mushrooms, greens, truffles, berries, seafood, and more.

Bellingham-based Acme Farms & Kitchen curates healthy, local ingredients to create meal kits designed to help you up your game in the kitchen. Acme offers a variety of prepared kits, or you can customize your own from a wide range of products. When the kit is delivered to your home, all you have to do is cook and enjoy.

Love authentic Italian food? Northwest-based Dalla Fonte curates high-quality Italian-import foods that you can purchase individually or in a variety of expertly assembled gift boxes. The selections focus on small, artisan producers and traditional preparations. You can even join a club for regular deliveries. Dalla Fonte also partners with The Table Less Traveled for guided group culinary travel to Italy.

A source for beef, pork, lamb, and poultry ethically raised by independent, local farmers. All animals are pasture raised for quality of life and quality of the product. A wide range of cuts is available as well as products such as bone broth, marrow bones, and bones for stock.


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